Write Now
Write Now with Eugenia Lovett West
How a 96-year-old author breaks writer’s block with a simple question
Write Now is Justin Cox's weekly interview series featuring published authors. New interviews drop almost every Wednesday.
Write Now
How a 96-year-old author breaks writer’s block with a simple question
Write Now
How a Pulitzer Prize finalist researches and writes about history
Write Now
How The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a Fuck went from an idea to a bestselling series
Write Now
How an editor and writer creates five-hour blocks of focused writing
Write Now
How a former marketer writes bestselling character-driven mysteries
Write Now
How a psychiatrist and activist writes about trauma and healing
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Pierce Brown, the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of the Red Rising saga.
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Kristen Arnett, the New York Times bestselling author of Mostly Dead Things.
Write Now
How a cosmetic ad-man became a novelist
Write Now
How an author and graphic novelist encourages other creative entrepreneurs to follow their freelancing dreams
Write Now
How The Bloggess creates irreverent humor for intellectual misfits
Write Now
How a fighter pilot and novelist broke the news of Navy pilots encountering UFOs