When’s the Last Time You Visited the Library?

This Week In Writing, we celebrate and honor every community’s pillar: the local library and library workers.
When’s the Last Time You Visited the Library?
Photo by Will van Wingerden / Unsplash

My local library hosted a writing conference a few years ago, bringing together local authors, journalists, and essayists. The half-day event offered workshops and panels with many local writers who I ended up interviewing for Write Now. But, I’ll be honest with you all, I don’t think I’ve been back to the library since then.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love the library. And thanks to the awesome Orange County Library System, I still take advantage of services often. I listen to audiobooks from the library and occasionally check-out physical books through the home delivery system. It’s fantastic, and I’m grateful for the options provided.

All that said, I know the library is home to so many more resources that are only available in person. They’re staffed by amazing people who have an immense wealth of knowledge and want nothing more than to help people explore, learn, and grow. Libraries and library workers are amazing pillars of every community.

Did you know that many library workers are also authors? Last year I interviewed local librarian and author Lauren Gibaldi for Write Now. You’ll never guess where at the library she likes to write! Hint: it’s the last place you’ll think of.

What do you love about your local library? How can you celebrate library workers today? Let me know.

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