Are You Organized?

This Week In Writing, we look at digital organization techniques to keep all of our drafts, research, and ideas safe.
Are You Organized?
Photo by Alev Takil / Unsplash

If you read last week’s newsletter and are looking for responses, they are not in today’s issue. Why? I’m writing this issue the same day I wrote that request, which is fitting because today is all about organization! And, yes, I will include some of your responses about community-building in an upcoming email.

Today is Get Organized Day, which is near and dear to my heart. While you wouldn’t know it by looking at my desk, I love when everything is in its proper place. My digital organization is otherworldly. There are folders and stacks and tags, and everything is accessible in a completely logical (to me) location. No matter how good my organization is (its fantastic), I know it could be better.

Scrivener is an amazing writing tool. It combines all your research, notes, and writing in a single location. This isn’t an ad; I just think that app is the gold standard for keeping writing projects organized. That said, I don’t use Scrivener. I stick with Ulysses for all of my writing needs. While it isn’t as advanced as Scrivener, it does what I need very well.

How do you stay organized as a writer? Do you use Scrivener, Ulysses, or something else to keep all your writing in one place, or do you have ideas and drafts everywhere? Share your favorite organization tips, and I’ll include a few in our Twitter Community or a future email.

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