Beware the Ides of March?

This Week In Writing, we reclaim the Ides of March and turn it into a day to celebrate and lift writers worldwide.
Beware the Ides of March?
Photo by iam_os / Unsplash

Today is the Ides of March, made famous as the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. But the Ides of March isn’t a cursed day. The Ides is just the Roman way of saying the middle day of the month. Seven months of the year have an Ides (January, March, May, July, August, October, and December), so today we’re going to reclaim the Ideas as a day to lift writers worldwide!

If you’re on Twitter, you may have used the hashtags #writingcommunity and #writerslift. Both are ways to connect with other writers, grow your following list, and find new things to read. Today, we’re adding a new opportunity to engage with writers on Twitter: our brand new Writing Community!

We’ve been given beta access to Twitter’s new Communities feature, a way to connect with people on Twitter around a topic, in this case, writing! Our Community is a place of dialogue, questions, and encouragement, not marketing or spam.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been slowly building the Community, learning the features, and inviting writers to join in the discussion. Today, I’m opening the door to you!

Visit Writing Community and hit the join button. You’ll be able to connect with our ongoing conversation, meet new writers, and engage. Come in and share something you’re celebrating. See you on Twitter!

In addition to Writing Community, you can follow us at @WritingCoop, @JustinCox, and @manfraiya.

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