You Need a Vacation
This Week In Writing, we talk about the importance of pausing because you can’t write all the time.
Last week, I told you about my brand new book! Write Now a huge accomplishment that reached number eight on Amazon’s creativity self-help section! Announcing the book took all of my creative energy and I was tapped out in coming up with ideas for today’s newsletter. No idea seemed to make sense or merit writing about. Call it writer’s block or being stuck or whatever, I couldn’t get the words out. Then I went on vacation.
Last Wednesday I left town to visit family I haven’t seen in quite some time. I took my iPad with every intention of getting some work in (including this newsletter). Instead, I just relaxed and enjoyed the time away. I still wrote in my daily journal, but all other writing went on hold. It was glorious.
As writers, especially self-publishing writers, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like we need to constantly be producing content. However, it’s equally important to take breaks and let our minds rest. Without the ability to recharge, there’s no way to be productive.
How do you incorporate breaks and pauses into your writing work? Are they scheduled or do they occur more organically?