Wondering Where Our Newsletter Went?

This Month In Writing, we’re brewing a mug of hot chocolate to enjoy while reading some of your best stories.
Wondering Where Our Newsletter Went?
Photo by Christian Wiediger / Unsplash

tap tap tap Is this thing on?

Hello, Medium community! How are you? If you’ve missed our weekly This Week In Writing emails filled with encouragement and writing discussions, let me share some quick news with you. (If you’re already in on the news, scroll down a bit. There’s more to share!)

Earlier this year, we moved our newsletter from Medium to Revue. We changed for a few reasons, primarily to provide you with the best quality newsletter possible. Each newsletter is cross-posted here on Medium (although without new features). Recent issues explored Encanto, the size of my diction, and Emily Dickinson.

If you miss the weekly banter, don’t worry! You can still sign up for the all-new version of This Week In Writing today! (Plus, if you sign up today, you’ll get tomorrow’s exploration of priorities.)

Ok! With that news out of the way, let’s get to the heart of the matter this month:

Happy National Hot Chocolate Day!

As I write this from my home office in Central Florida, we’re in the midst of the coldest weather of the season. The other night we got down to 35°F/2°C — that’s cold! For context, it’s been over four years since we’ve gone below freezing, so brushing against that line is extremely rare.

We’re not prepared for winter here. Our orange crops freeze, my tomatoes usually die, and iguanas fall out of trees. Winter is a bit of a mess. Thankfully, there is one redeeming quality to the few chilly days: a delicious cup of hot chocolate!

If you’re familiar with my newsletters (This Week in Writing or Eat Your Words), you know I love to explore wacky holidays. Today, we’re celebrating the delicious, preferably thick, melted chocolate you drink. What a glorious day!

What goes great with hot chocolate? Something great to read! Wherever you are here in the dead of winter, I hope you have something warm to drink and a comfortable place to read.

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