How Do You Give Back?

This Week In Writing, we celebrate Giving Tuesday by encouraging you to give back and support your community.
How Do You Give Back?
Photo by Claudio Schwarz / Unsplash

Today is Giving Tuesday in the United States. Preceded by a weekend of staunch consumerism (Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday), Giving Tuesday promotes supporting important causes and nonprofit organizations.

Outside of The Writing Cooperative, I’ve worked for nonprofits my entire career. These are essential organizations that provide high-quality service to the community. Giving Tuesday is a way to spotlight them and encourage people to support the programs financially.

In celebration of today’s Giving Tuesday, I want to encourage you to give back and support your writing community wherever possible. You can do so three different ways:

  • Financially Support Organizations: There are nonprofit organizations in every community that help writers grow. If you’re not familiar with ones near you, I encourage you to take a few minutes today and do some searching. If you’re in the position to give financially to support a cause you believe in, please do so!
  • Donate Time: If you’re not in the position to give financially, please consider volunteering your time where possible. Perhaps consider mentoring an aspiring writer or offering peer editing services through local groups. For many nonprofit organizations, a time donation is just as valuable (sometimes more so) than financial gifts.
  • Raise Awareness: You might not be in the position to support or donate any time today financially, and that’s ok. I still encourage you to share about the organizations you care about with your networks. You might not be able to support an excellent writing organization, but you might know someone who does.

What amazing writing-focused organizations do you support? Hit reply and let me know!

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