We Need Your Help

This Week In Writing, we explore collaboration among the community and ask for your opinion.
We Need Your Help
Photo by Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Last night our final Community Cohort of 2021 came to an end. Our cohorts put people together to help each other edit and grow as writers. It’s a lot of fun watching people go from strangers to collaborators after only a few short weeks.

We firmly believe that writers thrive when part of a community. Everything we do — from our cohorts to our publication — is designed to support and encourage writers. No matter how you interact with The Writing Cooperative, we are proud to welcome you as part of our community. We’re here to help you grow.

Today, we’re asking you to help us grow.

Jessica and I have a lot of ideas for the future of The Writing Cooperative by Write Together, Inc., but we only want to invest time and energy into things you will find helpful or supportive. So, we need your opinion to help guide our decisions.

Please take five minutes and fill out our Fall 2021 Community Survey. We’ll select one person who fills out the survey before the end of the month to win a $50 gift card. We’re excited to collaborate with you about the future of our community.

Take the Fall 2021 Community Survey

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