Write Now
Write Now With Jim Wilson
Today's Write Now interview features Jim Wilson, the “piano tuner to the stars,” recording artist, and author of TUNED IN: MEMOIRS OF A PIANO MAN.
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Jim Wilson, the “piano tuner to the stars,” recording artist, and author of TUNED IN: MEMOIRS OF A PIANO MAN.
This Just In
The dichotomy of AI continues to baffle me as I see the good and the bad. Where do we draw the line, and how do we learn to live with this technology?
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Alysson Foti Bourque, an elementary education educator and author of THE ALYCAT SERIES.
This Just In
This Just In: social media is bleeding users, but where are they going?
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Monica McGurk, corporate CEO and award-winning author of THE AGENCY.
This Just In
Embrace life’s many eras and stop trying to be a one-dimensional writer.
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Glenn Miller, former TV production manager and author of the forthcoming novel DOORMAN WANTED.
This Just In
Have we become so accustomed to seeing metrics everywhere that they no longer mean anything?
This Just In
Looking back at the past ten years of writing on Medium and what comes next.
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features C. L. Lauder, YA author of THE QUELLING trilogy.
Write Now
Today's Write Now interview features Bethany Mangle, author of CONDITIONS OF A HEART.
This Just In
This Just In: The act of creating something is more important than the act of publishing what is made.