Justin Cox

Justin Cox

Star Wars-loving, word-writing, nonprofit educator in Orlando, FL.

Write Now With Jon Clinch

Write Now With Jon Clinch

Pay People Not Platforms

Pay People Not Platforms

Write Now With Melanie K. Moschella

Write Now With Melanie K. Moschella

Let's Make the Internet Personal Again

Let's Make the Internet Personal Again

What The Creator and Rebel Moon Have In Common (and What They Don't)

What The Creator and Rebel Moon Have In Common (and What They Don't)

Write Now With J.E. Tolbert

Write Now With J.E. Tolbert

Write Now With Kay Stephens

Write Now With Kay Stephens

Raising the Bar at the Writing Cooperative

Raising the Bar at the Writing Cooperative

Write Now With Liselle Sambury

Write Now With Liselle Sambury

Advent, Waiting, and the Year of Transitions

Advent, Waiting, and the Year of Transitions