Justin Cox

Justin Cox

Star Wars-loving, word-writing, nonprofit educator in Orlando, FL.

Empire Strikes Back Isn’t the End of the Series

Empire Strikes Back Isn’t the End of the Series

Write Now With Margaret Dulaney

Write Now With Margaret Dulaney

Write Now With Julia Marie Davis

Write Now With Julia Marie Davis

Are Apple’s Writing Tools the Right Stuff

Are Apple’s Writing Tools the Right Stuff

Write Now With Colleen Oakes

Write Now With Colleen Oakes

This One’s for the Fans

This One’s for the Fans

When Creating Stops Being Fun

When Creating Stops Being Fun

Write Now With Anya Gillinson

Write Now With Anya Gillinson

We Shouldn’t Have Taken Milton’s Stapler...

We Shouldn’t Have Taken Milton’s Stapler...

Write Now With Meredith Seacrest Leach

Write Now With Meredith Seacrest Leach