Write Now With Chloe O. Davis

Today's Write Now interview features Chloe O. Davis, Broadway performer and author of The Queens’ English, The Young Readers’ LGBTQIA+ Dictionary of Lingo and Colloquial Phrases.
Write Now With Chloe O. Davis
Photo courtesy of Chloe O. Davis

Who are you?

Hi, I am Chloe O. Davis! I am a Broadway performer, choreographer, and author who lives in the best city in the world, New York City!

What do you write?

I am an author that likes to dive into the lives, culture, language, and identity of our humanity. I am interested in uncovering the beauty and complexity of who we are; focusing in on our multilayers. We are all unique and I like to celebrate and empower that uniqueness.

I started to create The Queens’ English dictionary in 2006 to properly document the language of the LGBTQIA+ community. Our community is so vast and brilliant, but I felt there were not many books and/or resources that positively represented the diversity and intersectionality our culture. I am a Black bisexual, biromatic, demisexual woman…yes, it’s a mouth full, but it’s ME! I wanted to see my experience with identity be represented and, I wanted to see yours, and yours, and yours, too. I desire to celebrate to words that shape who we are. The Queens’ English, The Young Readers’ LGBTQIA+ Dictionary of Lingo and Colloquial Phrases documents over 800 terms and is a tool to guide conversations around gender identity, sexual orientation, inclusion, and diversity. I love, I mean love, honoring the language of our the LGBTQIA+ community!

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