Chase Your Dreams and See What Happens

This Just In: Mental health is a massive part of confidence and success. Dreams are inspiration. Use them.
Chase Your Dreams and See What Happens
Photo by Nattu Adnan / Unsplash

As I continue to mature, I've come to realize that life is all about our mental state.

A few years ago, I did not have the best mental health. While I loved what I did, working for a church really messed with me.

What's crazy about our mental health is that we really believe the things we tell ourselves. I managed a $100k+ budget (not counting salaries), a handful of staff, and roughly 35 volunteers. I wrote curricula used across the state, planned and executed training events for hundreds of people, and built policies and procedures used by hundreds of other organizations. Despite all of this, I legitimately believed I had no translatable skills outside of writing when I decided to go.

2022 was rough. However, moving through the divorce and a job change, I started to refind myself. I once again started doing what made me happy and what was fun.

Guess what happened? I flourished.

Not only was I happier, but I was better at my job. I began taking on more responsibilities and started having a lot more fun. My writing also felt stronger, with clearer points. More of you started engaging, which tells me you likely felt the same.

Today, I’m more confident in myself and know there isn’t a proper path that fits everyone; there’s only the right path for you. I'm enjoying writing online more than I have in years, and despite the weekly schedule, it doesn't feel like a chore.

Ultimately, anything that taps into your creative side should be enjoyable. Many artists pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their work, and that's fine. It's our experiences that ultimately fuel our creativity.

However, I do not want to treat creativity as a commodity. Instead of churning out a product inspired by money, I create based on my dreams.

Whether it's a dream about a more personal internet or a world filled with celebration, I want to see where my dreams take me. Not only is this more fun, but it's so much better for my mental health.

I don’t know where things go next, and that’s really fun. Life isn’t scripted. Instead, I’m chasing my dreams and seeing what happens.

About Last Week (And Maybe Next Week)

I work as a business consultant for nonprofit businesses around the country. It's currently deadline season, and I am busy.

Last week was the Florida filing deadline, which meant a lot of last-minute filings. I put in nearly 60 hours last week and did not have the mental capacity to write something. I was filled with ideas from my interactions with these businesses, but I was tired.

Next week is the IRS business tax filing deadline, which might be a similar week. Only time will tell. What I can tell you is that I've got a really fun thing brewing to write about. You just might have to wait two weeks to read it...

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