This Is a Bit Revealing

This Week In Writing, I reveal my inner nerd by sharing a personal project. Plus, we look at character creation.
This Is a Bit Revealing
Photo by Joe Ciciarelli / Unsplash
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It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Star Wars. I’ve watched everything within the cannon, and I’m making my way through many of the novels — currently reading Ahsoka with Padawan next on my list. Next month I’m visiting Galaxy’s Edge at Disney World. While I’ve been once before, this will be the first time since the area was fully opened, plus I’m building a lightsaber.

Yeah, I’m that kind of a nerd. But it gets better! I’m going in costume. Well, sort of.

Disney Parks forbids adult guests (14 and over) from wearing costumes. It’s part safety, part not ruining the magic. However, there’s a concept called Disney Bounding, where everyday clothing that resembles a Disney character or member of the universe is permissible. Disney provides guidelines for acceptable clothing, and the official Star Wars site even gave outfit suggestions based on the movie Solo. Of course, fans created the Disney Bound concept and went much, much deeper.

I’m currently working on my own Jedi-inspired outfit to fit in on Batuu (the planet Galaxy’s Edge is located). While there are no revealing pictures yet, I’m excited to report my character is developing nicely.

What does this have to do with writing? Well, it’s all about character creation — in many ways, Disney Bounding is part fan fiction that immerses you in the theme park experience. Whereas cosplay is typically based on emulation, Bounding is inventing a unique character to play in the set world.

Have you ever created a character for yourself? How is it different than creating one for your stories? Hit reply and let me know. Bonus points if you share photos.

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