How Do You Write at Work?

This Week In Writing, we celebrate Poetry at Work Day by exploring ways to write while on the job without getting distracted (or fired).
How Do You Write at Work?
Source: Apple

I’ve never been much of a poet (and yes, I do know it). One close brush with poetry came in 10th grade English class. We were tasked with memorizing and reciting a poem, and the number of stanzas determined our potential grade.

While one of my overachieving classmates memorized all eighteen stanzas of “The Raven” by Edger Allen Poe, I opted for the much more manageable “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. In the end, I received a B and was happy with my decision.

Everything I know about Emily Dickinson comes from the AppleTV+ show by the same name. Yes, I know it’s not exactly true to life, but it’s entertaining. One thing I love about the portrayal of the titular poet is her constant inspiration. Emily, played by Hailee Steinfeld, writes poetry in her head or scraps of paper throughout the day.

Today is Poetry at Work Day, which feels like a great excuse to explore ways to write while working. I know some writers who keep a physical journal with them at all times to capture ideas when they develop. Others, like myself, prefer digital methods (you don’t want to read my handwriting).

How do you write at work? Let me know what you do and how you capture ideas throughout the day. Plus, if you’re a poet, what does writing poetry at work look like for you?

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