Commit to a Better You with a Daily Journal

Start 2019 focusing on personal growth and gratitude.
Commit to a Better You with a Daily Journal
Photo by Anna Samoylova / Unsplash
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. -William Wordsworth

At the end of each day in 2018 I answered three questions in a journal:

  • What was significant today?
  • What did I learn today?
  • What is my goal for tomorrow?

Most nights the words would flow from brain to fingers. Over the course of the year, I reflected on every day’s importance.

Maintaining a daily habit is difficult, but reflecting on my day and my attitude far outweighed any struggle. I grew as a person and I worked through situations life threw at me.

Daily writing helped me grow as a writer. Journaling flexes mental muscles that can lay dormant. Telling stories, even in the form of a personal journal no one else will ever read, enhanced my ability to tell stories people will read.

In 2019 I will continue my daily journal, but with three different questions.

This year I’ll be asking:

  • What happened today?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What do I want to change tomorrow?

While similar to last year’s questions, these will focus more on gratitude and personal growth. I’m looking forward to what I learn about myself and the world around me by answering these questions.

Journal With Me

This year I want you to join me! That might seem strange for a personal journal, but accountability is important.

But more on that in just a minute, first, you’ve got to begin the daily journaling process:

Select A Journal

Some people love pen and paper while others are digital people. Only you can determine your preference. The good news is you can always change your mind and your journal!

If you’re an Apple person, I cannot recommend Day One enough. I’ve logged 2,500 entries over six years. For me, the app is the perfect journal. As a bonus, I’ve created a Siri Shortcut to ask my daily questions. Run the shortcut each day and write. Siri will do the rest!

Commit To A Period Of Time

Every day for a full year might be intimidating. Instead, commit to a period you can manage. Maybe it’s a month. Maybe it’s a week. Whatever it is, commit and hold yourself to it.

Write, Reflect, And Write Some More

After you’ve selected your medium and committed to a time period, write your first entry. Under “What happened today?” begin with “I committed to a daily journal.” See where your words take you from there.

As William Wordsworth said, “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” Let your heart and your mind breath and reflect on the day. Take a deep breath in and out and then write.

Check In And Let Me Know How It’s Going

Creating any kind of daily habit takes accountability. That’s where I come in.

Check in with me and let me know what time period you commit to. Let me know what journal you pick and why.

Let’s embark on this journaling journey together!

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